star decoration 200 Greatest & Wealthiest Americans star decoration

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1776 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut - American Revolutionary - Autograph Document

1776 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut - American Revolutionary - Autograph Document

1776 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Revolutionary War Bonds, etc.

1776-79 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document - American Revolutionary War
1777 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document

1777 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document

1777 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document

1778 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut - American Revolutionary War Autograph

1780's dated Connecticut Line Bond signed by Peter Colt, Grandfather of Samuel Colt, Famed Gun Maker
1784 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document

1789 dated Payment Order signed by Oliver Wolcott, Jr. & Jedediah Huntington - American Revolutionary War

Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Jedediah Huntington
1821 dated Henry Dearborn signed Republican Insitution Stock Certificate - Exceptional from Boston, Massachusetts
Addison G. Jerome - Rochester and Syracuse Railroad
Alfred G. Vanderbilt, William K. Vanderbilt, Jr. - Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad - Bond
American Merchants Union Express Co. signed by William G. Fargo - 1868 dated Autograph Stock Certificate
American Merchants Union Express Co. signed by William G. Fargo - 1869 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Amity Canal, Reservoir and Improvement Co. Uncanceled Bond signed Twice by Charles H. Dow of Dow Jones Industrial Average Fame
Andrew Carnegie signed Letter dated January 4, 1915

Andrew Carnegie signed Letter dated January 4, 1915

Inv# AG2508
State(s): New York
Years: January 4, 1915
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Atlantic Mississippi and Ohio Rail Road Co Uncanceled $1,000 Gold Bond signed by General William Mahone
August Belmont - Peoria and Bureau Valley Railroad - Stock Certificate

Augustus Schell - New York and Harlem Railroad Transfer
Avery Brundage - Boston and Maine Railroad - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
B and O Railroad Stock issued to and signed by Pierre S. Du Pont
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad issued to and signed by Charles W. Harkness - Autographed Stock Certificate

Beeck Creek Extension Railroad Co. issued to Rembrandt Peale with signature on back - 1901 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Blue Ridge Railroad $1,000 Bond signed by Henry Clews - with Imprinted Revenue
Blue Ridge Railroad Co. $1,000 Bond signed by Henry Clews - 1869 dated Authogragh Railway Bond

Carl Lomb - Bausch and Lomb Optical Co $1,000 Uncanceled Gold Bond signed by Carl Lomb (Uncanceled)
Charles Butler - St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad - Stock Certificate
Charles Butler signed St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad Co. - Autographed Stock Certificate

Charles Dawes - Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway - Stock Certificate
Charles Goodyear - Very Rare Signed Check
Charles Sanger Mellen signed Northern Pacific Railway Co $1,000 Gold Bond - Financial Autograph
Charles W. Fairbanks - St. Louis Southern Railroad - Stock Certificate
Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad Co.- signed by J.D. Rockefeller and George Rogers - Stock Certificate
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Nathaniel Currier - Autograph

Cleveland and Toledo Railroad signed by Addison G. Jerome - Stock Certificate
Collis P. Huntington signed Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Railroad - Autograph Unissued Stock Certificate
Collis P. Huntington signed Short Route Railway Transfer Co. of Louisville, Kentucky - Stock Certificate

Colorado College Land Co Stock signed by Edward Payson Tenney - Autograph Stock Certificate
Comstock Tunnel Bond signed by Theodore Sutro (Uncanceled)
Connecticut Pay Order Issued to Wm. S. Johnson  - Autographs

Cornelius Vanderbilt - Beech Creek, Clearfield and South Western Railroad - Stock Certificate
Cornelius Vanderbilt - Michigan Central Railroad - Bond
Cornelius Vanderbilt - Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris RR - Stock Certificate

Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr. signed Canada Southern Railway - circa 1890's Partially Issued $1,000 Railroad Bond

Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. signed New York and Harlem Railroad - Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
David B. Hill signed Check
Double signed Thomas A. Edison on the Edison Phonograph Works - dated 1888 Autograph Stock Certificate - Signed Once at Front and Once at Back
E. H. Harriman - Troy and Tiptonville Railroad - Stock Certificate
Edison Botonic Research Corporation signed by Thomas Alva Edison

Edison Phonograph Works dated 1918 and issued to Thomas A. Edison, Inc. - Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Erastus Corning - Utica and Schenectady Railroad - Railway Stock Certificate
Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad Bond signed by Edward H. Harriman - 1880 dated Autograph Florida Railway Bond (Uncanceled)
Francis Spinner - Signed Check

Francis Spinner - Signed Check

Inv# AG1098
State(s): New York
Years: 1849

Frederic John Fisher - The Fisher Body Ohio Co. - Stock Certificate
Frederick Pabst and Charles Best signed Philip Best Brewing Co - Stock Certificate
Frederick Pabst and Charles Best signed Phillip Best Brewing Co - Stock Certificate
Frederick W Vanderbilt

Frederick W Vanderbilt

Inv# AG1009
State(s): New York
Years: 1920's
Frederick W. Vanderbilt - State of New York World War I Bonus Bond (Uncanceled)
Gallatin Brothers - Mohawk and Hudson Railroad
General Ambrose E. Burnside - Indianapolis and Vincennes Railroad - Stock Certificate
General Ambrose E. Burnside - Indianapolis and Vincennes Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

General Daniel Edgar Sickles
General William Mahone signed Atlantic Mississippi and Ohio Railroad Co. - 1870's dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

General William Mahone signed Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Co - $100 Bond
General William Mahone signed Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Co.  - $100 Bond dated 1860's-1870's


General Wm T. Sherman signed Check - Washington, DC
General Wm. T. Sherman signed Check - Washington DC - Autograph Check
George M. Pullman - Oregon and Transcontinental Co - Stock Certificate
Gustave Pabst - Pabst Brewing Co - Stock Certificate

Gustave Pabst - Pabst Brewing Co - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1107
State(s): Wisconsin
Years: 1908
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Henry Keep - Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Henry M. Flagler, W. H. Tilford and A. J. Cassatt - 1895 dated Standard Oil Trust Stock Certificate
Henry Wells and James C. Fargo - American Express Co - 1866 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Henry Wells and William G. Fargo signed Stubs
Hoboken Ferry signed by Garret A. Hobart - 1897 dated Stock Certificate
Illinois Central Bond signed by Robert Schuyler

Illinois Central Bond signed by Robert Schuyler

Inv# AG1257
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1851
Indiana, Illinois & Iowa Railroad Unissued and Signed by Francis Marion Drake - Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to John C. Fremont - Stock Certificate - Titanic History
International Nickel Co. signed by Ogden Mills - 1916 dated Stock Certificate
Irenee Du Pont issued and signed International Mercantile Marine - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
Ivan Boesky Signed Check
J. H. Wade - Valley Railway Co - Stock Certificate
J. Paul Getty signed 1960's dated Check on Chase Manhattan Bank London - The Man behind the Movie All the Money in the World
J. Paul Getty Signed Check - 1941-49 dated Autograph Check - The Man behind the Movie All the Money in the World
J. Pierpont Morgan - Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railway - Stock Certificate
Jacob Little - Michigan Central Railroad - Transfer Receipt
Jacob Little - Michigan Central Railroad Co. - Pair of Transfer Receipts
Jacob Little signed New York and Harlem Rail-Road Co.  - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

James Ben Ali Haggin - Father De Smet Consolidated Gold Mining Co
James C. Fargo - Michigan Central Railroad - Bond (Uncanceled)

James C. Fargo and William C. Fargo - American Express Co - Unique - Stock Certificate
James C. Fargo Signed Merchants Despatch Transportation Co. - Stock Certificate

James C. Fargo, James F. Fargo, and William H. Seward, Jr. - American Express Co. - Stock Certificate
James F. Fargo signs for American Express - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
James N. Hill - Northern Pacific Railway Co. $1,000 Gold Bond signed by James Norman Hill, son of Legendary Railroad Tycoon James Jerome Hill
Jay Gould signed Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway - The Katy - 1880's dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Jay Gould, George Gould - Union Depot Grounds
Jeptha H. Wade - Memphis and Little Rock Railway - Bond (Uncanceled)
John C. Fremont - Cincinnati Railway Tunnel Co. - Stock Certificate

John C. Fremont - Southern Trans-Continental Railroad
John D. Rockefeller & Henry Flagler signed Standard Oil Trust - 1880's dated Autograph Stock Certificate

John D. Rockefeller issued Western Maryland Railroad - $10,000 Railway Gold Bond - Not Signed
John Dwan and E. B. Ober, Henry S. Bryan, or Henry W. Cable - 3M - Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co - Stock Certificate

John Henry Devereux - Lake Shore Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate

John Henry Devereux - Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co - Stock Certificate
John Jacob Astor - Morris and Essex Railroad - Bond

John Jacob Astor - Morris and Essex Railroad - Bond

Inv# AG1124
State(s): New York
Years: 1869

John Nicholson, Jacob Weiss and Michael Hillegas signed Early Share Certificate - Autographs

John W. MacKay signed California 1860's dated check - Western Mining Magnate - Autograph

John W. MacKay signed California 1869 dated check - Western Mining Magnate - Autograph with Beautiful Nevada State Revenue

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. Transfer Sheets dated 1900 signed by William K., Frederick and George W. Vanderbilt - Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Lake Torpedo Boat Co. Signed by Simon Lake - 1915-1920 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Lammot du Pont issued to and signed International Mercantile Marine - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
Leland Stanford - Autographed Card
Leland Stanford Check - Bank of California

Leland Stanford Check - Bank of California

Inv# AG1102
State(s): California
Years: 1875
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Macopin Railroad Co. signed by Garret A. Hobart - Stock Certificate
Marcus Daly - Bargain and Sale Deed - Montana

Marcus Daly - Bargain and Sale Deed - Montana

Inv# MS1131
State(s): Montana
Years: 1888
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Matthew Vassar and Matthew Vassar, Jr. - Hudson River Railroad

Matthew Vassar and Matthew Vassar, Jr. - Hudson River Railroad

Inv# AG1244
State(s): New York
Years: 1850's-60's

Nephew, Matthew Vassar, Jr

Mergenthaler Linotype Co. Issued to D.O. Mills and Signed by Ogden Mills- Stock Certificate
Michigan Central Rail Road Co. Issued to and Signed by Jacob Little - Pair of Transfer Receipts

Michigan Central Rail Road Co. Issued to Jacob Little - 1864 dated Transfer Receipts

Michigan Southern Railroad Co. issued to John Van Rensselaer and signed by 2 Van Rensselaerns - 1854 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Michigan Southern Railroad Co. issued to John Van Rensselaer and signed on back - 1854 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Signed by Gallatin Brothers - 1833 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Transfer signed by William Backhouse Astor - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to Gallatin Brothers - 1833 dated Railroad Stock Transfer Receipt
Mohawk and Hudson River Railroad Co. signed by Jacob Little - Transfer Receipt

New York and Harlem Rail Road Co. signed by William H. Vanderbilt and Cornelius Vanderbilt - 1850 dated Autographed Stock Certificate



New York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. Signed by Jacob Little  - Autographed Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

New York and Harlem Railroad Co. issued to Edw'd B. Vanderbilt and signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - 1873 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
New York and Harlem Railroad Stock Transfer - E. V. W. Rossiter signs for William H. Vanderbilt as his Attorney
New York Central & Hudson River Railroad - 1910-70's dated $1,000 Railway Gold Bond - Vignette of Cornelius Vanderbilt II
New York Central Railroad Co $1,000 Bond signed by Erastus Corning - Autograph
New York Central Railroad Ledger Sheet signed by Erastus Corning - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. signed by Gallatin Brothers - 1837-1839 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Northwest Equipment Co. of Northern Pacific Railroad Fame - Stock Certificate
Oakes Ames - Easton Branch Railroad - Stock Certificate
Ogden Mills signed Mergenthaler Linotype Co. - Stock Certificate
Oliver Ames signed Boston, Newport and New York Steamboat Co. - 1860's dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Oliver Ellsworth and Col. John Mead signed Revolutionary War Pay Order dated 1777 - Connecticut Revolutionary War Bonds, etc.

Oliver Ellsworth and Col. Samuel Whiting signed Revolutionary War Pay Order dated 1777 - Connecticut Revolutionary War Bonds, etc.

Oliver Ellsworth signed Manufacture of Salt Petre Pay Order - Autograph - Connecticut - American Revolutionary War
Oliver Wolcott Jr - Interest Paying Note

Oliver Wolcott Jr - Interest Paying Note

Inv# AG1048
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1789
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Oliver Wolcott, Jr.
Oliver Wolcott Jr. signed Revolutionary War Pay Order Dated 1779-1780 - American Revolution

Pair of New York Central Railroad Co $1,000 Bond signed by Erastus Corning - Autograph
Peter Colt signed Connecticut State Treasury Office Document dated 1789-90's - American Revolutionary War Material
Peter Lorillard - Oswego and Syracuse Railroad Ledger Sheet
Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road signed by William Bingham - Vellum Stock Certificate
Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike signed by Israel Whelen - Stock Certificate
Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike signed by William Bingham - Vellum Stock Certificate
Philip Du Pont issued to and signed International Mercantile Marine - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
Pierre S. Du Pont Letter - TLS - Typed Letter Signed
Pine Creek Railway Co. Bond signed by William Kissam Vanderbilt and Chauncey M. Depew - 1885 dated Autograph Railroad $1,000 Bond
Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny Railroad Co. issued to Gallatin (possiby relative) - 1895 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Puget Sound & Alaska Steamship Co. - 1890's circa Unissued Gorgeous Brown Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad Archive
Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. - 1890's circa Gorgeous Green Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad Archive
Pullman Southern Car Co. signed by George M. Pullman as President - Autograph Railroad Car $500 Bond
Ransom Eli Olds - Reo Motor Car Co. - Stock Certificate
Ransom Eli Olds signed Reo Motor Car Stock Certificate - 1916 dated Autograph of Famous Car Maker
Richard Borden signed Bay State Steamboat Co - 1850's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Lizzy Borden's Father? - Autograph Stock Certificate
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1232
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1872
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1233
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1871
Russell Sage - St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad - Stock Certificate
Russell Sage signed Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Russell Sage signed Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1229
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1869 or 1872

Rutland and Washington Railroad Co $1,000 Bond signed by Erastus Corning - 1852 dated Autograph Bond
Santa Anna Bond dated 1866 signed by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna - Very Historic Autograph Uncanceled Bond
Simon Lake signed Lake Submarine Salvage - 1930's dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Simon Lake signed Lake Submarine Salvage Check dated 1930's - Autograph Check
Standard Oil Trust issued to and signed by George Davidson Rogers - Also signed by H. H. Rogers and H. M. Flagler - 1890's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust issued to and signed by Miss A. C. Flagler as well as John D. Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler - 1887 dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust issued to and signed by W. C. Whitney - 1880's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust signed by John D. Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler and Clement A. Griscom - 1880's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust signed by William Rockefeller and Henry Flagler - dated 1898 Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust signed by William Rockefeller and Henry Flagler - Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust Stock Certificate issued to & signed by Wesley Hunt Tilford also signed by H. M. Flagler and William Rockefeller
State of New York $1,000 Bond Issued to and Signed by Michael F. Cudahy - Autograph

Stuyvesant Fish - Belleville and Southern Illinois Railroad - Stock Certificate
Stuyvesant Fish - Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad - Autograph Railway Bond

Stuyvesant Fish - Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad - Autograph Railway Bond

Inv# AG1294
State(s): Kentucky
Years: 1877
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Thomas A. Edison, Charles A. Edison - Meetings of Meeting


Thomas A. Scott - Pennsylvania Co. - Stock Certificate

Thomas A. Scott - Pennsylvania Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# CW1015
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1871
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Thomas A. Scott - Pennsylvania Co. - Stock Certificate

Thomas A. Scott - Pennsylvania Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# CW1030
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1874
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Troy, Salem, and Rutland Railroad $1,000 Mortgage Bond signed twice by Jay Gould
Turf Cigarettes Movie Star Cards

Turf Cigarettes Movie Star Cards

Inv# AM1331A
Country: United States
Years: 1941
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Union Depot Grounds Transferred to Jay Gould - Stock Certificate
United States Steel Corp $100,000 Gold Bond Issued to Andrew Carnegie - 1901 dated Cranberry Color Steel Bond
United States Steel Corp $5,000 Gold Bond Issued to Andrew Carnegie - 1901 dated Steel Bond - Spectacular Piece of History
United States Steel Corp. Issued to Charles M. Schwab - 1902 dated $5,000 Steel Bond - Bethlehem Steel


W. H. Vanderbilt signed Letter
West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co. signed by George D. Widener - Died on the Titanic - Stock Certificate
White Water Railroad issued to and signed by Elijah Smith twice - Only 1 Left! - Stock Certificate
White Water Railroad Signed by Elijah Smith - Autographed Stock Certificate

White Water Railroad Stock issued to/signed twice by Elijah Smith - 1880's dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
William Cornelius Van Horne signed Cuba Railroad Co - 1909-1915 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
William G. Fargo - American Express Co. - Stock Certificate
William G. Fargo - Queen City Oil Co. of Buffalo - Stock Certificate
William H. Vanderbilt - Hudson River Railroad - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

William Seward Webb - St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway - Stock Certificate

William Seward Webb - St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1063
Country: Canada
State(s): New York
Years: 1900's
Wilmington and Northern Railroad Co. $1,000 Gold Bond signed by Henry Algernon du Pont
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