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1872 Items.  Showing Items 1101 thru 1200.
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New York and Northern Railway Co. Issued to Chas. Cass - Stock Certificate
New York and Northern Railway Co. signed by C.T. Barney

New York and Northern Railway Co. signed by Chas. T. Barney

New York and Northern Railway Co. signed by Simon Rothschild - Stock Certificate
New York and Northern Railway Co. Transferred to W.C. Whitney - Stock Certificate

New York and Ottawa Railroad Co. transferred to F.W. Vanderbilt, not signed
New York and Pennsylvania Blue Stone Co. signed by James Fisk, Jr. known as Diamond Jim or Jubilee Jim

New York and Putnam Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


New York and Putnam Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Cathleen Vanderbilt Cushing - $50,000 Bond
New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to and signed by William H. Vanderbilt

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to Carnegie Corporation of New York - 1931 dated $1,000 Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to Consuelo Marlborough (Vanderbilt) Not Signed - $1,000 Railway Gold Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to Horatio Nelson Slater - $1,000 Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to J.P. Morgan and Co. - $1,000 Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to Jay Cooke and Co. - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. signed by Chauncey M. Depew - $1,000 Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. signed by Chauncey M. Depew - $5,000 Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. Signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - $1,000 Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. Signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - $1,000 or $500 Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. Signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - $5,000 Bond

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. Signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - Autographed Stock Certificate

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - Stock Certificate

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. signed by Wm. H. Vanderbilt

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. Transfer to James C. Fargo dated 1870 - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

New York Central Divident Sheet Signed by Wm. B. Astor and John Butterfield - Autographed Railway Stocks and Bonds


New York Central Ledger Sheet signed by Leonard W. Jerome and William Fessenden - Autographed Stocks and Bonds


New York Central Ledger signed by Alex Holland - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
New York Central Ledger signed by Alex Holland - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
New York Central Ledger signed by Peter Lorillard - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

New York Central Niagara River Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate

New York Central Niagara River Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Wm. K. Vanderbilt- Stock Certificate

New York Central Niagara River Railroad Co. signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate

New York Central Niagara River Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


New York Central Rail-Road Co. Made out 3 times to Daniel Drew, Not Signed - 1862 dated Railway Stock Certificate

New York Central Railroad Co $1,000 Bond signed by Erastus Corning - Autograph
New York Central Railroad Co. signed by Harold Stirling Vanderbilt - $50,000 - Bond (Uncanceled)
New York Central Railroad Co. Signed by Wm. G. Fargo

New York Central Railroad Co. Signed by Wm. G. Fargo

Inv# AG2058
State(s): New York
Years: 1866
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New York Central Railroad Ledger Sheet signed by Erastus Corning - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
New York Central Sleeping Car Co. issued to William K. Vanderbilt and signed ALS - Stock Certificate

New York Central Sleeping Car Co. Signed by Augustus Schell - Stock Certificate

New York Central Sleeping Car Co. signed by W. Wagner - Stock Certificate
New York Central Sleeping Car Co. Signed by W.H. Vanderbilt - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

New York Central Sleeping Car Co. signed by Wm. S. Webb - Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

New York Central Transfer Sheet issued to but not signed by Thurlow Weed of Albany - 1860 dated Stock Transfer

New York Heat, Light and Power Company - Gorgeous Utility Stock Certificate
New York, Lackawanna and Western Railway Co. signed by Samuel Sloan - Stock Transfer

New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co. signed by C.S. Mellen - 1910 dated $10,000 Bond

New York, Susquehanna and Western Rairoad Co. Bond Issued to Charles L. Tiffany and Signed by Lewis C. Tiffany of Tiffany and Co. Fame

New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co.  signed by Robert Schuyler dated 1849-1852- Autographed Stocks and Bonds


New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. Issued to Addison G. Jerome
New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. issued to and signed by August Belmont and Robert Schuyler dated 1848-1852 - Autographed Stocks and Bonds


New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. Issued to and signed twice by Gouverneur Morris of Morrisania and Robert Schuyler dated 1848-1850 - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. issued to and triple signed by Robert Schuyler dated 1850- Autographed Stocks and Bonds


New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. Issued to Gouverneur Morris of Morrisania - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. mentions Malcolm Forbes -1843 dated Stock Transfer
New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. signed by August Belmont - Stock Certificate

New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - Stock Certificate


New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. signed by E.V.W. Rossiter for William H. Vanderbilt - Autograph Railway Transfer Receipt


New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. Stock Transfer mentions Daniel Drew twice dated 1866 - Railroad Autograph

New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. transferred to Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt - Transfer Receipt

New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. Transferred to Daniel Butterfield - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

New-York and Harlem Rail Road Co. Transferred to P. Vanderbilt - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. Issued to Washington Irving Jr. - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. signed by Albert R. Gallatin - Son of Albert Gallatin - 1841 dated Autographed Stock


New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. signed by Gallatin Brothers - 1837-1839 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. signed by Jacob Little and Robert Schuyler - Stock Certificate


New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. signed by Robert Schuyler - Autographed Stock Certificate

New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. Transferred to W.H. Vanderbilt - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Company signed by Robert Schuyler - 1850 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate

New-York and Harlem Rail-Road issued to and signed twice by Gouverneur Morris, Jr. - 1849 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
New-York Central Rail-Road Co.

New-York Central Rail-Road Co.

Inv# AG1657
State(s): New York
Years: 1862
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New-York Central Rail-Road Co. signed by Jacob Little - Stock Certificate

New-York Central Rail-Road Co. Stock Transfer signed by Attorney for August Belmont

New-York Central Rail-Road Co. Stock Transfer to Peter Cooper, not signed - 1862 dated Transfer Receipt - Not Signed

New-York Central Rail-Road Co. Transfer signed by Russell Sage - Stock Certificate

New-York Central Rail-Road Co. Transfer to Cornelius Vanderbilt - Stock Certificate

New-York Central Railroad Co. Stock Transfer issued to Daniel Drew dated 1867 or 1868 - Railroad Autograph

New-York Central Railroad Co. Transfer Issued to but not Signed by Wm. G. Fargo - 1867 dated Railroad Autograph


New-York Central Railroad Co. Transferred to Henry Keep - Railroad Autograph

New-York Central Railroad Co. Transferred to Henry Keep dated 1867 - Railroad Autograph

Newport News and Mississippi Valley Co. signed by C. P. Huntington - 1888 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Newport News and Mississippi Valley Co. signed by Collis P. Huntington - Stock Certificate

Newport News and Old Point Railway and Electric Co. signed by W.J. Payne
Niagara Falls Branch Railroad Co. - Transferred to C. Vanderbilt! - Stock Certificate

Niagara Falls Branch Railroad Co. signed by Chauncey M. Depew and E.V.W. Rossiter - Stock Certificate

Niagara Falls Branch Railroad Co. Transferred to Chauncey M. Depew, J.P. Morgan, H.W. Webb, etc - Stock Certificate

Niagara Falls Branch Railroad Co. transferred to Frederick W. Vanderbilt - Autographs
Niagara Falls Branch Railroad Co. Transferred to Wm. K. Vanderbilt - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Niagara Falls Power Co. Issued to Wm. Vincent Astor - $10,000 - Bond

Nicholas Fish signed Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co.

Nicholas Fish signed Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co.

Inv# AG1741
State(s): New York
Years: 1830
Norfolk Baseball Exhibition Co. Inc. signed by E.G. Barrow - Autographed Stock

North American Co. signed by Carl Schurz - Stock Certificate

North American Co. signed by Colgate Hoyt

North American Co. signed by Colgate Hoyt

Inv# AG2061
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1890
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North River Construction Co. dated 1888 issued to and signed by Ashbel Green - Autographed Stock Certificate

North River Construction Co. dated 1888 signed by Ashbel Green - Autographed Stock Certificate

North River Construction Co. issued to and signed by Simon Rothschild - Stock Certificate
Northern Express Co. signed by James N. Hill - 1906 dated Autograph Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad System
Northern Indiana Rail-Road  Issued to and signed by Thomas Durant - Autograph Railway Stock Certificate

Northern Indiana Rail-Road Co. signed by E.D. Morgan and Edwin C. Litchfield - Stock Certificate

1872 Items.  Showing Items 1101 thru 1200.
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