star decoration Autographed Stocks & Bonds star decoration

1872 Items.  Showing Items 401 thru 500.
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Comstock Tunnel Bond signed by Theodore Sutro (Uncanceled)
Comstock Tunnel Co. signed by Theodore Sutro - Autographed Stock Certificate
Concord and Montreal Railroad Issued to and signed by Kate W. Comtesse de Navailles  - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
Confederate Soldier John Echols issued to/signed Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago - Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers Railroad Co. signed by Theodore N. Vail - Stock Certificate

Consolidated Indiana Coal Co. signed by a Robt E. Lee (possibly a relative) - 1917 dated Coal Mining Stock Certificate
Contract signed by J.M. Schermerhorn

Contract signed by J.M. Schermerhorn

Inv# AG2067
Country: United States
Years: 1862
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Cornelius Vanderbilt - Beech Creek, Clearfield and South Western Railroad - Stock Certificate
Cornelius Vanderbilt - Michigan Central Railroad - Bond
Cornelius Vanderbilt - Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris RR - Stock Certificate

Cornelius Vanderbilt and Augustus Schell - Chicago and Canada Southern Railway Co. - Stock Certificate
Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr. signed Canada Southern Railway - circa 1890's Partially Issued $1,000 Railroad Bond

Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. signed New York and Harlem Railroad - Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
Corporation Liquidating Co. Issued to George F. Baker - Stock Certificate

Corporation of the City of New York dated 1859 signed by Dan'l F. Tiemann as mayor - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Cuba Railroad Co. - Issued to Will of Sir William C. Van Horne - Stock Certificate

Cuba Railroad Co. issued to and signed by W.C. Van Horne - Stock Certificate

Cuba Railroad Co. issued to and signed by W.C. Van Horne - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG2238
Country: Cuba
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1903

Cuba Railroad Co. Issued to L.P. Morton - Stock Certificate

Cuba Railroad Co. Issued to L.P. Morton - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG2445
Country: Cuba
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1903 or 1904

Cuba Railroad Co. Issued to Ogden Mills - Stock Certificate

Cuba Railroad Co. Issued to Ogden Mills - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG2446
Country: Cuba
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1911-18

Cuba Railroad Co. Issued to Will of Levi P. Morton - Stock Certificate

Cuba Railroad Co. signed by W.C. VanHorne - Stock Certificate

Cuba Railroad Co. signed by W.C. VanHorne - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1880
Country: Cuba
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1909
Cuba Railroad Co. Transferred to Estate of G. M. Dodge - Stock Certificate

Cuba Railroad Co. Transferred to Estate of G. M. Dodge - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG2431
Country: Cuba
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1904

Cyrus K. Holliday Issued to & Signed Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad - Autograph Stock Certificate

D.O. Mills and Co. Check - Americana

D.O. Mills and Co. Check - Americana

Inv# AG1523
State(s): California
Years: 1857
OUT OF STOCK More Details

Daniel M. Harkness issued to/signed Standard Oil Trust signed twice by Henry M. Flagler & once by John D. Rockefeller - 1882 dated Autograph Stock Certificate


Daniel M. Harkness issued to/signed Standard Oil Trust signed twice by Henry M. Flagler & once by John D. Rockefeller - 1888 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Daniel Webster signed Ellsworth Land and Lumber Co. - Autograph Stock Certificate - Only 2 Known

Danvers Railroad Co. signed by Gilbert Tapley, Jr. - 1865 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
Davenport Oil Co. Signed by J. Simpson Africa - 1864  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds


David B. Hill signed Check
David Buick Carburetor Corp. - Rubber Stamp Signature of David Dunbar Buick - 1922 dated Automotive Stock Certificate

David Dunbar Buick signed Buick Oil Co. - Autograph Stock Certificate - Automotive Fame

De Witt Oil Co. Signed by J. Simpson Africa - 1865  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Delaware and Raritan Canal Co. and Camden and Amboy  Railroad and Transportation Co signed by Robert L. Stevens - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R.R. Co. issued to Jay Cooke and Co. - Transfer Receipt

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R.R. Co. signed by J.J. Astor Jr. - Stock Certificate
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R.R. Co. Signed by William E. Dodge - Stock Certificate
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R.R. Co. Signed by William E. Dodge - Stock Certificate
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R.R. Co. Signed by William E. Dodge and J. Pierpont Morgan - Stock Certificate
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail Road Co. Signed by August Belmont Attorney - Bond Transfer

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail-Road Co. Issued to Wm. Astor - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail-Road Co. Signed by Wm. B. Astor and Wm. W. Astor - Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail-Road Co. Transferred to Benj. Butler - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail-Road Co. Transferred to Wm. B. Astor - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co.  Signed by James Stillman - 1871 dated Autographed Transfer Receipt

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Issued to & Signed by James Stillman - Autograph Transfer Receipt

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Issued to and signed by Hamilton Fish and Stuyvesant Fish on back - 1867 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate


Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by James Stillman - 1873 dated Uncut Pair of Transfer Receipts

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by William Astor - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Issued to and signed by Wm. B. Astor, Jr. - 1888 or 1891 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Secretarial Signed by James Stillman - 1861-1873 dated Uncut Pair of Transfer Receipts

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. signed by Samuel Sloan - Stock Certificate

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Stock Receipt registered to Wm. K Vanderbilt - Stock Certificate

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Issued to Addison G. Jerome and Signed by William E. Dodge - Stock Certificate
Delaware, Lackawanna and Westrn Rail Road Co. Issued to Cornelius Vanderbilt - 1863 dated Uncut Sheet of 2 Stock Transfers

Dempsey Cycle Co., Inc. signed by W.L. Dempsey - Stock Certificate
Denver, Texas and Fort Worth Railroad Co. signed by G.M. Dodge

Deppe Motors Corporation signed by H.P. Deppe

Deppe Motors Corporation signed by H.P. Deppe

Inv# AG1771
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1920
Detroit & Chicago Railroad Co. Issued to & Signed by Frederick W. Vanderbilt -1905 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Detroit and Chicago Railroad Co. signed by Alfred H. Smith

Detroit and Chicago Railroad Co. signed by Alfred H. Smith

Inv# AG1526
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1912


Detroit Terminal and Tunnel - $10,000 - Bond

Detroit Terminal and Tunnel - $10,000 - Bond

Inv# AG1905
State(s): Michigan
Years: 1912
Detroit Terminal and Tunnel - $10,000 signed by Wm. K. Vanderbilt - Bond

Detroit, Monroe and Toledo Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Albert H. Harris - Stock Certificate
Detroit, Monroe and Toledo Railroad Co. signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - Stock Certificate

Detroit, Monroe and Toledo Railroad Co. Signed by Henry Keep  - Stock Certificate

Diamond Disc Shop, Inc. signed by Charles Edison - Stock Certificate


Dividend Receipt signed by Cornelius and Wm. K. Vanderbilt - Autographs


Document signed by Levi Woodbury - 1840 dated Autograph

Don Enrique Mining Co. Issued to B.P. Cheney

Don Enrique Mining Co. Issued to B.P. Cheney

Inv# AG2249
Country: Mexico
State(s): New York
Years: 1891


Double signed Thomas A. Edison on the Edison Phonograph Works - dated 1888 Autograph Stock Certificate - Signed Once at Front and Once at Back
Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Co. signed by Stuyvesant Fish - 1903 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate

Duke of Wellington Autograph Letter and Cover

Duke of Wellington Autograph Letter and Cover

Inv# ST1019
Country: England
Years: 1838
Duluth and Manitoba Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Frederick Billings - Stock Certificate

Duluth and Manitoba Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Wm. Nelson Cromwell

Duluth Short Line Railway Co. signed by C.S. Mellen and Geo. H. Earl



Dundee Coal Co. Issued to Washington Lee Jr. - Stock Certificate
Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburgh Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburgh Railroad Co. signed by Geo. F. Baker

Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburgh Railroad Co. transferred to Frederick W. Vanderbilt - Stock Certificate

Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co. signed by James A. Roosevelt - Stock Certificate

Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co. signed twice by Stuyvesant Fish - 1890 dated Autograph Railway & Bridge Stock Certificate

E. H. Harriman - Chicago, St. Louis and Pittsburgh Railroad - Stock Certificate

E. H. Harriman - Chicago, St. Louis and Pittsburgh Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1329
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1895


E. H. Harriman - Troy and Tiptonville Railroad - Stock Certificate
E. H. Harriman and Stuyvesant Fish autographed Short Route Railway Transfer Co. - Stock Certificate



E. L. Rockefeller - Homestead Bank of Brooklyn - Stock Certificate
E. Remington II or Jr. - Signed Check - Founder of Remington and Sons


E. Remington II or Jr. signed Check - Founder of Remington and Sons

E. Remington II or Jr. signed Check - Founder of Remington and Sons

Inv# AG1315
State(s): New York
Years: 1853 or 1854

E.A. Tilford - Standard Oil Trust - Stock Certificate

E.H. Harriman signed Northern Pacific Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

E.V.W. Rossiter signed Geneva, Corning and Southern Railroad Co. - Autographed Stock Certificate

East End Electric Light Co. Transferred to Geo. Westinghouse, Jr. - Stock Certificate

Edison Phonograph Distributing Co. signed by Charles Edison twice and Henry Miller - Stock Certificate


Edison Phonograph Distributing Co. signed by Thomas Edison, Charles Edison and Henry Miller - Stock Certificate


Edison Phonograph Works dated 1918 and issued to Thomas A. Edison, Inc. - Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Edison Phonograph Works signed by Thomas Edison and Samuel Insull
Edison Phonograph Works signed by Thos. A. Edison - Stock Certificate

Edison Phonographs, Ltd. Signed by Charles Edison - Stock Certificate


Edison Portland Cement - Transferred to Thomas A. Edison, Inc. - 1900-1920's dated Stock Certificate

Edison Portland Cement Co. signed twice by Edison - Stock Certificate
Edison Portland Cement Company Issued to Thomas A. Edison - Stock Certificate

1872 Items.  Showing Items 401 thru 500.
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