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1824 Items.  Showing Items 901 thru 1000.
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Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited signed by Alfonso Marconi - Only Known Example with Physical Signature

Marcus Daly - Bargain and Sale Deed - Montana

Marcus Daly - Bargain and Sale Deed - Montana

Inv# MS1131
State(s): Montana
Years: 1888
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Marshall Field - Elimination of Railroad Grade Crossings Bond

Mary Pickford - United Artists Theatre Circuit - Stock Certificate
Matthew Vassar and Matthew Vassar, Jr. - Hudson River Railroad

Nephew, Matthew Vassar, Jr

Max Baer signed Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Stock Certificate - Famous Boxer Autograph

Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad Bond signed by William Andrew Quarles - Autograph Railway Bond

Mercantile Library Co. of Philadelphia signed by Thomas Morris Perot
Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co. Issued to Anna L. Roosevelt - Stock Certificate

Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co. Issued to Corinne R. Roosevelt - Stock Certificate

Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co. Issued to Elliott Roosevelt - Stock Certificate

Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co. Issued to General R. B. Potter - Stock Certificate

Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co. Issued to Roosevelt and Son - Stock Certificate

Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co. signed by Robert B. Roosevelt - Stock Certificate


Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co. transferred to Anna L. Roosevelt - Stock Certificate

Mercury Aviation Co. signed by Cecil B. DeMille - American Film Maker Giant - Autographed Stock Certificate

Mergenthaler Linotype Co. Issued to D.O. Mills and Signed by Ogden Mills- Stock Certificate
Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts - Lackawanna Securities Co. - Stock Certificate
Michigan Central Rail Road Co. Issued to and Signed by Jacob Little - Pair of Transfer Receipts

Michigan Central Rail Road Co. Issued to August Belmont - Stock Transfer

Michigan Central Rail Road Co. Signed by Alexander Hamilton Jr. - Stock Transfer

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Issued to  August Belmont - Stock Transfer

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Issued to A.G. Jerome - Stock Transfer

Michigan Central Railroad Co. issued to Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr. - 1885 dated $5,000 Railway Bond

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Issued to F.W. Vanderbilt - $5,000 Bond

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Issued to Genl. Cyrus B. Comstock - $1,000 Bond

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Issued to George Law - Autograph Railway Bond
Michigan Central Railroad Co. Issued to the "Will of W.H. Vanderbilt" - $5,000 Bond


Michigan Central Railroad Co. Pair Issued to and Signed by A.G. Jerome - Stock Transfer

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Signed by A.G. Jerome - Stock Transfer

Michigan Central Railroad Co. signed by Eliza O. Webb - $5,000 Bond

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Transferred from Geo. W. Vanderbilt - $5,000 Bond

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Transferred to AMEXCO - $5,000 Bond

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Transferred to M. Vassar Junior - Bond Transfer

Michigan Central Railroad Co. transferred to Maria Louisa Niven (Vanderbilt) - $5,000 Bond

Michigan Central Railroad Co. Transferred to Thurlow Weed of Albany - Stock Transfer

Michigan Central Railroad Company Signed by James C. Fargo - 1892 Dated Autograph Railway Bond

Michigan Midland and Canada Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Benjamin F. Ham- Stock Certificate
Michigan Midland and Canada Railroad Co. signed by E.A. Wickes

Michigan Midland and Canada Railroad Co. signed by E.A. Wickes

Inv# AG1828
Country: Canada
State(s): Michigan
Years: 1874
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Rail-Road Co. Issued to and Signed by A.G. Jerome - 1857 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Rail-Road Co. Issued to and Signed by A.G. Jerome - 1857 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Rail-Road Co. Signed by Henry Keep - 1863 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Co. Issued to Clark, Dodge and Co. and Signed by Henry Keep - 1863 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Co. issued to Jay Cooke and Co. - 1860's dated Railway Stock Certificate

Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Co. signed by Leonard W. Jerome - 1856 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad signed by Leonard W. and L. R. Jerome
Michigan Southern Rail Road Co. Issued to Washington Hunt - 1849 dated Autographed Stock Certificate


Michigan Southern Rail-Road Co. issued to Thomas Dunlap, Not Signed - 1850 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Michigan Southern Rail-Road Issued to Matthew Vassar and signed by J. Vassar - 1853 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

Michigan Southern Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by A.G. Jerome - Stock Transfer

Michigan Southern Railroad Co. issued to John Van Rensselaer and signed by 2 Van Rensselaerns - 1854 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Michigan Southern Railroad Co. issued to John Van Rensselaer and signed on back - 1854 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Millvina Dean signed Titanic Print - Survivor of the Titanic
Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - Stock Certificate

Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. signed by Jn. Guy Vassar - Stock Certificate
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - 1869 or 1872 Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - Stock Certificate

Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - Stock Certificate

Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - Stock Certificate

Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1229C
State(s): Minnesota
New York
Years: 1872
OUT OF STOCK More Details

Minneapolis Linen Mills signed by Charles A. Pillsbury

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. signed by John. T. Michaud
Mississippi and Missouri Rail Road Co. Issued to Thos C. Durant - Autograph Railway Stock Certificate

Mississippi Valley Co. signed by Stuyvesant Fish - 1888 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate


Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. - Issued to and Signed by Jay Gould dated 1887 - "The Katy"

Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. Issued to and Signed by John D. Rockefeller - "The Katy" - 1891 dated Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. Issued to and Signed by William Rockefeller - "The Katy" - 1891 dated Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - 1880 dated Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate - "The Katy"

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. Issued to John Jacob Astor

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. signed by Peter Augustus Jay

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. signed by Wm. B. Astor - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. Uncut Sheet

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. Uncut Sheet

Inv# AG1743
State(s): New York
Years: 1830
$915.00 More Details
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co.  Signed by Peter Augustus Jay - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Issued to  August Belmont - Stock Transfer

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. issued to Wm. B. Astor - Stock Transfer

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Signed by Gallatin Brothers - 1833 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. signed by Jas. Gallatin - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. signed by Jas. Gallatin - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Signed by William B. Astor - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. signed by Wm. B. Astor for J.J. Astor
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Transferred to Gallatin Brothers and Signed by Wm B Astor - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Transferred to Wm B Astor - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Transfer signed by William Backhouse Astor - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to Gallatin Brothers - 1833 dated Railroad Stock Transfer Receipt
Mohawk and Hudson River Railroad Co. signed by Jacob Little - Transfer Receipt

Mohawk and Malone Railway Co. signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Malone Railway Co. signed by Chauncey M. Depew and E.V.W. Rossiter - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Malone Railway Co. signed by William Seward Webb - Autograph Stock Certificate

Montana Railway Co. Issued to and signed by C.S. Mellen twice

Montana Railway Co. signed by C.S. Mellen and Geo. H. Earl

Montana Union Railway Co. signed by C.S. Mellen and Geo. H. Earl

Montana Union Railway Co. signed by Charles Sanger Mellen and George H. Earl - 1899 dated Railroad Stock Certificate

Monte Cristo Railway Co. signed by C.S. Mellen - Stock Certificate

Monte Cristo Railway Co. signed by C.S. Mellen and issued to and signed by Geo. H. Earl - Stock Certificate

Monte Cristo Railway Co. signed by Charles Sanger Mellen - Stock Certificate

Morris and Essex Rail Road Co. Issued to and Letter Signed by Robert S. Howland and W.H. Howland - 1853 dated Autographed Stock Certificate
Morris and Essex Rail Road Co. Ledger Sheet signed by Moses Taylor


Morris and Essex Rail Road Co. Ledger Sheet signed by Moses Taylor - Relating to Convertible Bonds

Morris and Essex Railroad Co. signed by Samuel J. Tilden - Transfer

Morris and Essex Railroad Co. signed by Wm. Waldorf Astor

1824 Items.  Showing Items 901 thru 1000.
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