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Banking House of L.H. Hershfield and Bro. - 1877 dated Helena, Montana Check

Inv# CK1081B   Check
Banking House of L.H. Hershfield and Bro. - 1877 dated Helena, Montana Check
State(s): Montana
Years: 1877
Color: Black Print with Orange Revenue

Check issued by the Banking House of L.H. Hershfield & Bro. with a great 2 cents imprinted revenue. Helena, Montana. The Helena area was long inhabited by various indigenous peoples. Evidence from the McHaffie and Indian Creek sites on opposite sides of the Elkhorn Mountains southeast of the Helena Valley show that people of the Folsom culture lived in the area more than 10,000 years ago. Before the introduction of the horse 300 years ago, and since, other native peoples, including the Salish and the Blackfeet, visited the area seasonally on their nomadic rounds.

Gold strikes in Idaho Territory in the early 1860s attracted many migrants who initiated major gold rushes at Grasshopper Creek (Bannack) and Alder Gulch (Virginia City) in 1862 and 1863 respectively. So many people came that the federal government created a new territory called Montana in May 1864. The miners prospected far and wide for new placer gold discoveries. On July 14, 1864, the discovery of gold by a prospecting party known as the "Four Georgians" in a gulch off the Prickly Pear Creek led to the founding of a mining camp along a small creek in the area they called "Last Chance Gulch". Read more at

Condition: Excellent
Item ordered may not be exact piece shown. All original and authentic.