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3560 Items.  Showing Items 181 thru 200.
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3,660-2,440 Shares of Lake Erie, Franklin and Clarion Railroad Co. - 1914 or 1915 dated Stock Certificate
5,937 Shares of Kansas City, Emporia and Southern Railroad Co. - 1888 dated Stock Certificate
3,532 Shares of Kansas City, Emporia and Southern Railroad Co. - 1880 dated Stock Certificate
2,000 Shares of Jamestown and Franklin Railroad Co. - 1866 dated Stock Certificate
8,000 Shares of Jamestown and Franklin Railroad Co. - 1909 dated High Shares Railway Stock Certificate
9,685 Shares of James River Valley Railroad Co. - 1886 dated Stock Certificate
1,000 Shares of Indiana, Illinois and Iowa Railroad Co. - 1898 dated Stock Certificate
12,223  or 10,318 Shares of Indiana, Illinois and Iowa Railroad Co. - 1899 dated Stock Certificate
15,180 Shares of Indiana, Illinois and Iowa Railroad Co. - 1884 dated Stock Certificate
1,680 Shares of Illinois Traction Co. - 1918 dated Stock Certificate
2,993 Shares of Hooverhurst and South Western Railroad Co. - 1902 dated Stock Certificate
2,000 Shares Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Co. - 1913 dated Railway Stock Certificate - High Denomination of Shares
1,350 Shares Grand Canyon Railway Co. - 1908 dated Railroad Stock Certificate - Part of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad System
9,990-2,471 shares Geneva, Corning and Southern Railroad Co. - 1909 dated Stock Certificate
6,000 shares of Geneva, Corning and Southern Railroad Co. - 1909 dated High Shares Railway Stock Certificate
4,995 shares East St. Louis Belt Railroad Co. - 1899-1944 dated Stock Certificate
1,099 shares East St. Louis and Carondelet Rail Way - 1901 dated Stock Certificate
1,010 1/4 shares Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburgh Railroad Co. - 1901 dated Stock Certificate
500 shares Columbus Hope and Greensburg Railroad Co. - 1885 dated Stock Certificate
30,000 shares of Chicago, Indiana and Southern Railway Co. - 1906 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
3560 Items.  Showing Items 181 thru 200.
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