star decoration Famous Americans on Stocks & Bonds star decoration

Stocks and Bonds with Famous Americans

Ad Calendar for Ligon, Grier and Co.

Ad Calendar for Ligon, Grier and Co.

Inv# AM1673
State(s): South Carolina
Years: 1928
Ad Calendar for Horder - Office Supplies, Chicago, Ill.

Ad Calendar for Horder - Office Supplies, Chicago, Ill.

Inv# AM1673A
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1928 or 1929
Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington

Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington

Inv# AM1674
State(s): Iowa
Years: 1937
Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington - 1937 Americana Advertising Calendar
Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington

Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington

Inv# AM1675
State(s): Iowa
Years: 1929
Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington

Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington

Inv# AM1676
Country: Canada
Years: 1929
Sample Ad Calendar for Thos. D. Murphy Co.

Sample Ad Calendar for Thos. D. Murphy Co.

Inv# AM1681
State(s): Iowa
Years: 1940
Sample Ad Calendar for Thos. D. Murphy Co.

Sample Ad Calendar for Thos. D. Murphy Co.

Inv# AM1682
State(s): Iowa
Years: 1940
Sample Ad Calendar for Thos. D. Murphy Co. - 1935 dated Americana Advertising Calendar
Sample Ad Calendar for Thos. D. Murphy Co. - 1935 dated Americana Advertising Calendar
Ad Calendar for First National Bank with portrait of Woodrow Wilson
Ad Calendar for Thos. D. Murphy Co. with portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt - Salesman Sample Calendar
Ad Calendar for Norbert Bertl with portrait of Abraham Lincoln - Salesman Sample Calendar
Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington - 1940 dated Americana Advertising Calendar
Sample Ad Calendar with George Washington - 1933 dated Americana Advertising Calendar
American Founders Corporation - 1930 dated Stock Certificate - Washington and Jefferson Vignette
Edison Portland Cement Co. - Stock Certificate

Edison Portland Cement Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FA1003
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1920
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Franklin Realty and Mortgage Trust

Franklin Realty and Mortgage Trust

Inv# FA1004
State(s): New York
Years: 1960's-70's
Gamma Delta Fraternity Alumni Building Association

Gamma Delta Fraternity Alumni Building Association

Inv# FA1005
State(s): Washington
Years: 1925
Hamilton Club of Chicago

Hamilton Club of Chicago

Inv# FA1006
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1917
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Hamilton Management Corporation - Alexander Hamilton Vignette - circa 1930's Specimen Stock Certificate
Lincoln Mortgage Investors

Lincoln Mortgage Investors

Inv# FA1008
State(s): California
Years: (1960's)
Madison Mortgage Corporation - Preferred Stock Certificate
Bedford Mineral Springs Co. - Stock Certificate

Bedford Mineral Springs Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FA1010
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1858
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Hamilton Trust Co. -1931 dated Stock Certificate

Hamilton Trust Co. -1931 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# FA1012
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1931
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Kings Holding Corporation - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
Republic Savings and Loan Association

Republic Savings and Loan Association

Inv# FA1014
State(s): New York
Years: 1900
Tippecanoe Securities Co.

Tippecanoe Securities Co.

Inv# FA1015
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1909-11
Lincoln Farm Association

Lincoln Farm Association

Inv# FA1016
State(s): Kentucky
Years: 1908
International Cross and Crown

International Cross and Crown

Inv# FA1017
State(s): New York
Years: 1913
Highland Park Hospital Association

Highland Park Hospital Association

Inv# FA1018
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1930
T.W. Phillips Gas and Oil Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate
William F. Miller Investments Interest Receipt - 1899 dated Stock Certificate
Edison Portland Cement Co - 1900's-20's dated Stock Certificate with Beautiful Vignette of Thomas Alva Edison
Franklin Fire Insurance Co of Philadelphia - Stock Certificate

Franklin Fire Insurance Co of Philadelphia - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1117
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1920's-30's
Franklin Fire Insurance Co of Philadelphia - Stock Certificate

Franklin Fire Insurance Co of Philadelphia - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1118
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1930's-40's
Hamilton Fire Insurance Co of The City of New York - 1900-20's dated New York Stock Certificate
Hamilton Fire Insurance Co of The City of NY - High Denominations - Stock Certificate
John B. Stetson Co. - 1920's dated Stock Certificate - Famous Hat Company
Lincoln Building Corporation - Stock Certificate

Lincoln Building Corporation - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1348
State(s): New York
Years: 1940's-50's
Philco Corporation - Stock Certificate

Philco Corporation - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1353
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1950's-60's
Elkhart Bridge Co. - Unissued Stock Certificate

Elkhart Bridge Co. - Unissued Stock Certificate

Inv# GS2293
State(s): Indiana
Years: 190-
Franklin Hand Stamp Co. - Stock Certificate

Franklin Hand Stamp Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS6369
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1857
Washington Post Co. - 1880's circa Unissued Stock Certificate - Extremely Rare
Boston Investment Co. - Stock Certificate

Boston Investment Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# IV1041
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1889
Great Republic Gold and Silver Mining Co. of Virginia - £50 Bond (Uncanceled)
Puritan Mining Company, Ltd .- 1906-15 dated South Dakota and Idaho Mining Stock Certificate
Sunset Minerals, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Sunset Minerals, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Inv# MS1644
State(s): Washington
Years: 1950 or 1951
Richland Mining and Milling Co. of Colorado - Stock Certificate
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1900-1930's dated $1,000 Railroad Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1897 dated $5,000 Railroad Gold Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1930's-1940's dated $10,000 Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - $10,000 3.5% Gold Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1911 dated $5,000 Railroad Gold Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. Issued to J.P. Morgan and Co. - 1937 dated $5,000 Railroad Gold Bond
Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation - Stock Certificate

Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2889
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1950's-60's
Summit Branch Rail Road Co. - Pennsylvania Railway Stock Certificate
Scovill Manufacturing Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate - Waterbury, Connecticut
Bank of New York Co., Inc. - 1998 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Alexander Hamilton Vignette
Irving Bank Corporation - Specimen Stock Certificate
Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Co. - Specimen Stock
Central Franklin Process Co. - Specimen Stock

Central Franklin Process Co. - Specimen Stock

Inv# SE3289
State(s): Delaware
Years: 19--
Bache and Co. Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate - Only Blue or Green Available - Depicts Rutherford B. Hayes in this Bache Vignette - Very Rare
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Vignette of Marcus Goldman & Samuel Sachs - 1999 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Fantastic Design
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. - 1994 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Green Type
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. - 1996 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Blue Type
Sears, Roebuck and Co. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Sears, Roebuck and Co. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Inv# SE3472
State(s): New York
Years: 1906
Sears, Roebuck and Co. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds
Woolworth Corp. - Enormous Portrait of Frank Winfield Woolworth Vignette - 1989 dated Specimen Stock Certificate
Lincoln National Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Lincoln Printing Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate
$1,000 War Savings Bond - 1945 Dated U.S. Treasury Bond - Fantastic Condition for a Rare Denomination
$100 United States of America Bond of 1861 - Only 2 or 3 known to Exist
1796 United States Loan Office - State of Georgia Loan Certificate
1796 United States Loan Office Bond - State of Georgia - First American Security Ever Traded
Drifton Water Co. - Stock Certificate

Drifton Water Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# US1129
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 189-
White Star Mfg. Co.

White Star Mfg. Co.

Inv# WL1010
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 190-