star decoration Early Stocks and Bonds star decoration

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Account of Payment - 1783-84 dated Document

Account of Payment - 1783-84 dated Document

Inv# ES1124
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1783-84
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Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures
American Loan Fund Association

American Loan Fund Association

Inv# ES1069
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1854
An Act No. 78 of 1856

An Act No. 78 of 1856

Inv# ES1115
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1856
An Act No. 79 of 1856

An Act No. 79 of 1856

Inv# ES1116
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1856
Athenaeum of Philadelphia

Athenaeum of Philadelphia

Inv# ES1080
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1824
Baltimore and Yorktown Turnpike Road Co. - Stock Certificate

Baltimore and Yorktown Turnpike Road Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# TP1032
State(s): Maryland
Years: 1890
Baltimore Athaenian Society - Stock Certificate

Baltimore Athaenian Society - Stock Certificate

Inv# ES1000
State(s): Maryland
Years: 1810-12
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Baltimore Athenian Society - Early Stocks

Baltimore Athenian Society - Early Stocks

Inv# ES1090
State(s): Maryland
Years: 1812 or 1810
Bangor Mill and Manufacturing Co - Stock Certificate
Bangor Mill and Manufacturing Co - Stock Certificate
Bank of Delaware

Bank of Delaware

Inv# ES1083A
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1794
Bank of Delaware - 1796 or 1797 dated Stock Certificate

Bank of Delaware - 1796 or 1797 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# ES1034
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1796 or 1797
Bank of the State of New-York signed by Elijah F. Purdy -  1844 dated Autographed Check
Bank of the State of New-York signed by Robert H. Morris -  Autographed Check

Banking House of H. Scamman

Banking House of H. Scamman

Inv# ES1036
State(s): California
Years: 1883
Belmont and Oghquaga Turnpike Road - Stock Certificate
Bordertown Banking Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

NewBordertown Banking Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1420
New Item!
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1864
Boston and New-York Chickasaw Land Co.

Boston and New-York Chickasaw Land Co.

Inv# ID1006
State(s): Massachusetts
New York
Years: 1838
Boston and New-York Chickasaw Land Co.

Boston and New-York Chickasaw Land Co.

Inv# ID1006A
State(s): Massachusetts
New York
Years: 1836
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