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1872 Items.  Showing Items 61 thru 80.
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American Express Co. Issued to and signed by James C. Fargo - Stock Certificate

American Express Co. Issued to and Signed by John Butterfield and Wm. G. Fargo - Stock Certificate


American Express Co. Issued to and Signed by John Butterfield. Also Wm. G. Fargo and Henry Wells- 1863 dated Autographed Stock Certificate


American Express Co. Issued to and Signed by William G. Fargo and John Butterfield - 1859 dated Autographed Stock Certificate


American Express Co. Issued to and Signed by Wm. G. Fargo and Henry Wells - 1863 dated Autographed Stock Certificate


American Express Co. signed by H. Wells & W.G. Fargo dated 1854 - Autographed Stock Certificate


American Express Co. signed by Henry Wells and James C. Fargo - 1860's dated Express Autograph Stock Certificate



American Express Co. signed by Henry Wells and James C. Fargo - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
American Express Co. signed by Henry Wells and Wm. G. Fargo - Stock Certificate



American Express Co. signed by Henry Wells and Wm. G. Fargo - Stock Certificate



American Express Co. signed by J. C. Fargo - 1871, 1883 or 1891 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

American Express Co. Signed by James C. and Wm. G. Fargo - Autographed Stock Certificate


American Express Co. Signed by James F. Fargo - Stock Certificate
American Express Co. Signed by James F. Fargo, George C. Taylor and Fred P. Small - 1916 dated Autograph Stock Certificate


American Express Co. Signed by John Butterfield and William G. Fargo - 1857 or 1859 Autographed Stock Certificate


American Express Co. Signed by John Butterfield and William G. Fargo - Autograph Stock Certificate


American Express Co. Signed by William G. Fargo - 1881 dated Express Stock Certificate

American Express Co. signed by William G. Fargo - Stock Certificate

American Express Co. signed by Wm. G. Fargo, Hanna Fargo and Geo. W. Fargo - Stock Certificate

American Express Co. Stock signed by William G. Fargo and Henry Wells - PASS-CO Authenticated Stock Certificate


1872 Items.  Showing Items 61 thru 80.
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