star decoration Animals on Stocks and Bonds star decoration

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Peace River Mining and Milling Co., Limited - 1927 Canadian Mining Stock Certificate
Central Manitoba Mines, Limited - Foreign Stock Certificate
Libby Graphite Co. - Stock Certificate

Libby Graphite Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2491
Country: Canada
Years: 1908
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Washita Cattle Co. - 1883 dated $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled) - Beautiful Custom Vignette
State of Ohio County of Madison - $200 Bond
City of Pittsburgh, State of Pennsylvania - $1,000 Registered Bond
Greyhound Corporation - $5,000 Bond

Greyhound Corporation - $5,000 Bond

Inv# GB5604
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1976
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Blue Ridge Corp. - 1930's-40's dated Stock Certificate - Goldman Hiding Behind Goldman - Great History
Lackawanna Securities Co. - Securities Stock Certificate
Lion Country Safari, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Lion Country Safari, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1163
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1980's
$91.00 More Details
National Stockyard Co. - Stock Certificate

National Stockyard Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1189
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1870's-90's
$90.00 More Details
National Stockyard Co. - Stock Certificate

National Stockyard Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1189A
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1881
$130.00 More Details
National Stockyard Co. - 1883 dated High Denomination Stock Certificate
Belding Heminway Co., Inc. - 1970's dated Stock Certificate

Belding Heminway Co., Inc. - 1970's dated Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1287
State(s): Delaware
New Jersey
New York
Years: 1970's
$16.00 More Details
Farmers Deposit National Bank Stock - Beautiful Dog Named Prince Vignette - 1910-30's dated Stock Certificate
Willows Warehouse Association - Stock Certificate

Willows Warehouse Association - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1316
State(s): California
Years: 1880's or so
$59.00 More Details
Oscar Mayer and Co., Inc - Unissued Stock Certificate - Gorgeous Cattle Vignette
Heska Corporation - Beautiful Dog and Cat Image - 2002 dated Pet Care Stock Certificate
Showalter Mortgage Co. - Stock Certificate

Showalter Mortgage Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1389
State(s): Kansas
Years: 1885-89
$112.00 More Details
Alabama Pecan Groves Co - Stock Certificate

Alabama Pecan Groves Co - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1392
State(s): Alabama
Years: 1922
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Riordon Pulp and Paper Co., Limited - Stock Certificate
Philadelphia and Erie Land Co. - Stock Certificate
Canadian Husky Oil Ltd - Stock Certificate

Canadian Husky Oil Ltd - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS2082
Country: Canada
Years: 1958
OUT OF STOCK More Details
American Trotting Register - 1901 dated Horse Register Certificate
Yellowstone Park Transportation Co. - Stock Certificate

Yellowstone Park Transportation Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS5069
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1912 or 1929
$884.00 More Details
Caltex Co.

Caltex Co.

Inv# GS5120
State(s): California
Years: 1925
$114.00 More Details
Stock Yards Investment Co.

Stock Yards Investment Co.

Inv# GS5615
Country: United States
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1930
$74.00 More Details
Rogers Milk Products Co. - Stock Certificate

Rogers Milk Products Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS5634
Country: United States
State(s): New York
Years: 1923
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Fillmore Dairymens League Inc., Fillmore, N.Y. - Stock Certificate

Fillmore Dairymens League Inc., Fillmore, N.Y. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS5651A
Country: United States
State(s): New York
Years: 1922
$72.00 More Details
Fillmore-Belfast Dairy Products Co, Inc - Stock Certificate

Fillmore-Belfast Dairy Products Co, Inc - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS5653
Country: United States
State(s): New York
Years: 1913
$79.00 More Details
Tea Co. of America - Stock Certificate

Tea Co. of America - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS5873
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1929
$142.00 More Details
Nitrate Agencies Co. - Stock Certificate

Nitrate Agencies Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS5964
State(s): West Virginia
Years: 19--
$59.00 More Details
Iron Dike and Land Reclamation Co. - 1867 dated Stock Certificate
Standard Barrel Co. - Stock Certificate

Standard Barrel Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS6305
State(s): New York
West Virginia
Years: 1901
$112.00 More Details
Franco-Texan Land Co. - Stock Certificate
Brown Co. - Stock Certificate

Brown Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS6410
State(s): Maine
Years: 1938
$41.00 More Details
Madison Plow Co. - Stock Certificate

Madison Plow Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS6411
State(s): Wisconsin
Years: 19--
$46.00 More Details
Techno-Vending Corp. - Stock Certificate

Techno-Vending Corp. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS6499
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1961
$47.00 More Details
Rock Spring Turn-Hall Association - 1896 Stock Certificate
Feinberg and Silverstein Company, Inc. - 1921 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
1,013 Shares of 13th and 15th Streets Passenger Railway Co. -  1936 dated Stock Certificate
Standard Automatic Ice Machine Co. - Unissued Stock Certificate
Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Card -  Insurance

Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Card - Insurance

Inv# IS1117
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1810
$37.00 More Details
Advertisment Card for Hartford Fire Insurance Co. -  Insurance
Prudential Insurance Co. of America Calendar dated 1890 -  Insurance
92nd Annual Exhibit of Hartford Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. dated 1794-1902 -  Insurance
Public Savings Insurance Company of America Calendar dated 1914 -  Insurance
Hartford County Mutual Fire Insurance Company Calendar dated 1904  -  Insurance
Hartford County Mutual Fire Insurance Company Calendar dated 1907  -  Insurance
Berg Medicine Co. - Stock Certificate

Berg Medicine Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# MP1014
State(s): Iowa
Years: 1911
$78.00 More Details
310 Items.  Showing Items 151 thru 200.
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