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Colt's Manufacturing Co. - dated 1950's Connecticut Gun Stock Certificate - Famous Gun Maker
Ansonia Clock Co. - Stock Certificate

Ansonia Clock Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1037
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1910-30's
Eagle Lock Co. - Famous Lock and Key Co. Stock Certificate

Eagle Lock Co. - Famous Lock and Key Co. Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1103
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1890's-1930's
Gray Manufacturing Co. - Stock Certificate

Gray Manufacturing Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1128
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1950's-70's
L. C. Bates Co. - Stock Certificate

L. C. Bates Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1159
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1890's
Uncas National Bank of Norwich - Stock Certificate

Uncas National Bank of Norwich - Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1034
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1880
New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co. - 1940's-1950's dated $1,000 Railway 4.5% Mortgage Bond

New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co. - 1940's-1950's dated $1,000 Railway 4.5% Mortgage Bond

Inv# RB5094
State(s): Connecticut
New York
Years: 1940's-1950's
Norwich and Worcester Railroad - Bond

Norwich and Worcester Railroad - Bond

Inv# RB5102
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1877
Connecticut  and Passumpsic Rivers Railroad - Stock Certificate

Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS1068
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1920's-40's
Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Railway - 1860's-90's dated Connecticut Railroad Stock Certificate
New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co. - 1920-40's dated Railway Stock Certificate
1780's dated Continental Army Connecticut Line Bond or Note issued to a Revolutionary War Soldier - Extremely Popular
1780's dated Connecticut Line Bond signed by Peter Colt, Grandfather of Samuel Colt, Famed Gun Maker
1789 to 1791 dated Ralph Pomeroy signed Payment Notice - American Revolutionary War
1791-92 dated Andrew Kingsbury signed Payment Note - Post American Revolutionary War
Dated 1780-82 Connecticut Pay Order Signed by Samuel Wyllys - American Revolutionary War Pay Order
Revolutionary War Pay Order - 1781-82 dated Deputy Quarter Master - Extremely Popular - American Revolution
Waltham Watch Co - Pair of Stock Certificates - Two (2) Certificates

Waltham Watch Co - Pair of Stock Certificates - Two (2) Certificates

Inv# CO1001A
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1920-50's
Consolidated Lake Superior Co. - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

Consolidated Lake Superior Co. - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

Inv# GS1308
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1901 or 1904
Lake Torpedo Boat Co. Signed by Simon Lake - 1915-1920 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Simon Lake signed Lake Submarine Salvage Check dated 1930's - Autograph Check
Peter Colt signed Connecticut State Treasury Office Document dated 1789-90's - American Revolutionary War Material
Oliver Wolcott Jr - Interest Paying Note

Oliver Wolcott Jr - Interest Paying Note

Inv# AG1048
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1789
OUT OF STOCK More Details

Oliver Wolcott, Jr.
Hartford and New Haven Railroad - 1868 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Hartford and New Haven Railroad - 1868 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2107
State(s): Connecticut
New York
Years: 1868
Hartford and New Haven Railroad - 1865-68 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Hartford and New Haven Railroad - 1865-68 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2108
State(s): Connecticut
New York
Years: 1865-68
Danbury and Bethel Street Railway Co. - $1,000 5% 30 Year Gold Railroad Bond with Coupons
First National Bank of New Milford, Conn. - 1860's-1880's dated Stock Certificate
Connecticut River Railroad Co. - 1893 dated Railway Registered Unissued Bond
Consolidated Railway Co. - 1900's circa $10,000 Connecticut Unissued Railroad Bond
Naugatuck Railroad - Bond

Naugatuck Railroad - Bond

Inv# RB5305
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1890's or so
Neptune Twine Falls

Neptune Twine Falls

Inv# CK1040
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1879
Oliver Ellsworth signed Manufacture of Salt Petre Pay Order

Oliver Ellsworth signed Manufacture of Salt Petre Pay Order

Inv# CT1006
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1776-79
Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Revolutionary War Bonds
Oliver Wolcott Jr. signed Revolutionary War Pay Order Dated 1779-1780 - American Revolution

1780-1783 dated Revolutionary War Committees of the State and of the Army Document - Connecticut - American Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Soldier Pay Order - 1780's dated Pair of Documents - American Revolution
1782-84 dated Revolutionary War Payment Order for Service in the Continental Army - Connecticut - American Revolution
1782-84 dated Pay Table Office Order signed by General Jedediah Huntington - American Revolutionary War Autograph
1783 dated Pay Table Office Order from War Taxes - Connecticut - American Revolutionary War Item
1789 dated Receipt of Lawful Money - Connecticut Revolutionary War - Americana

LAST ONE! 1789 Uncut Sheet of 4 Receipts of Lawful Money - Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

1789 dated Payment Order signed by Oliver Wolcott, Jr. & Jedediah Huntington - American Revolutionary War

Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Jedediah Huntington
Connecticut National Bank of Bridgeport - Stock Certificate
Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Co. - 1940's dated Gun Stock Certificate - Green Color Type
New Haven, Middletown and Willimantic Railroad - 1871 Railway 7% Mortgage Bond (Uncanceled)
New York and Boston Railroad - Stock Certificate

New York and Boston Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2338
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1856 or 1859
New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co. - 1940's-50's dated Railway Stock Certificate
New Haven and Northampton Co - Bond

New Haven and Northampton Co - Bond

Inv# RB5352
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 19--
Equitable Trust Co - Bond

Equitable Trust Co - Bond

Inv# GB5149
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1877
City Bank of New Haven

City Bank of New Haven

Inv# OB1238
Denomination: $5
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 18--
OUT OF STOCK More Details

638 Items.

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