Lake Shore Railway Co. signed by J.H. Devereux dated 1869 - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
Inv# AG2760 AutographStock signed by J.H. Devereux as president. Issued to Jay Cooke & Co.
John Henry Devereux was a railroad manager, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 5 April 1832 ; died in Cleveland, Ohio, 17 March 1886. He was educated in the Portsmouth. N, H., academy, and in 1848 went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he served as construction engineer on several railroads. He removed to Tennessee in 1852, and became prominent in railroad affairs there. At the beginning of the civil war he offered his services to the government, and aided the Union cause as superintendent of military railroads in Virginia. He resigned in 1864, and returned to Cleveland, where he became one of the foremost railroad men in the west. He was chosen president of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis railroad in June 1873, of the Atlantic and Great Western in 1874, and of the Indianapolis and St. Louis in 1880, being receiver of the last-named road from Nay till September 1882. In 1877 General Devereux, by his personal courage, prevented 800 of his men from joining in the railroad riots. He was prominent in the councils of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Read more at
Ebay ID: labarre_galleries